Job api Help needed in JSON parsing

Help needed in JSON parsing
How to use this website api
I don’t understand this API document because same url a not use API key
How to use this URL api



convert your curl into blocks using cURL to image

there you must add your email and api key then convert into blocks and use it into your app.

I will try same to same but API not response

Why you are creating multiple posts ?

curl -H “Authorization: 563492ad6f9170000100000143c0ad8617c5405cb8ebbecfd2d6dd72”

Hi please help me
Curl not wark
Show this problem
Error 1101: Unable to get a response with the specified URL:

I will try multiple website api curl
But not warking

But I will try same block and its warking but niotron not warking any curl
Anyone help me demo project using sewer curl

I think this is some kind of bug

Show your blocks and post the aia or better a simple test aia.

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Demytest.aia (5.1 KB)

Please see screenshot and aia

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try by setting the request headers as above.

I will try this method but same problem
Please give any file for just test purpose how to work cURL niotrron
I will make many same application using this method kudular

It looks like you forgot to set the user agent together with your email. .

A moderator might want to join the 2 threads…


This is different API another website

But any API soow same problem
Unable to get API response

So I added the same picture because the problem is just the url is different

Hello I will try but not work
Show this error
Unable to get API response

Both threads are about
Each API is different… just follow their documentation
It does not really make sense to ask for help to work with an API without revealing which API… Also a link to the API documentation would help…

Else everyone only can guess…
