It is possible to update thunkable app from niotron

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I have a app which build in thunkable classic but thunkable classic is shutdown .

So can I update my app in niotron which previeus build in thunkable classic.

Hello @Omkar_Shukla
Welcome to Niotron :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:

According to my knowledge, it’s not possible as there’ll be many components which thunkable don’t have like Material components etc and yes maybe it won’t be compatible with Niotron

My app has simple interface and playstore want new app update so what is the solution

See if they have common components and blocks with same package then maybe it’s possible

You can easily find the solution by yourself. Take the aia from thunkable classic and update it to Niotron. Then you will find the answer.
But even if it is not possible, you can recreate the app in niotron. The only thing you will need is to download the keystore from thunkable (if you already didn’t make backup of it before), and upload the keystore to Niotron when you pretend to generate the .aab to upload the app to playstore. This way you will be able to update the app in playstore without problems.
PS: Be careful with the keystores. You can’t change the keystore for a specific app. The same keystore will be used to all the apps. If you upload an app to playstore with key1 you will need the same keystore to update it. So save the keystores used in a safe place (email, for example) and list which apps use each keystore.

Build again your app in niotron, just use your package name, and Keystore of thunkable…