Image link 1 : Imgur: The magic of the Internet
Image link 2 : Imgur: The magic of the Internet
i am confused with what to do with mobileads extension , as i have tested my app ads not showing.
i have tested my ads united in ads tool box and it working. you can download from playstore to test ads.
yes you are doing correct and if you want me to help you then make a test project and drag and drop all the AdMob ad components , then export and share the aia to me I will setup blocks for you
i upload aia to mediafire : App_test
i removed admob id and ads unites. just let me know it correct or wrong i want to test ads showing or not.
use this blocks i use them and they works
i want to know do we need any type of content in our apps to show ads before testing ? or it will work like this…
what is Consent mean ? in ads setting. i tested out my app with your guide i am getting error message and ad not loaded message , kindly drop your apk let me check in emulator. because i test ad unite in adtoolbox it my ads works there … bbut not in niotron builder…
@Shield09 are you trying to show real ads ?
yes i am testing my admob real ads i want to see…not test mode.
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@Shield09 make sure you have disabled the test mode of the ads , I think if your app will have more users then it will be sure to receive real ads
yes my test mode is off , admob now days dont show ads until there is some kind of content … in this…