Is there a way to revert @Niotron

Right, I though you knew everything around here :laughing:

Alrighty then
By the way how does updating extensions work ? Do we have to remove previous extension and import the new updated one, or ?

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This is truly a beginner’s question that has been asked and answered hundreds of times on all AI2 forums.

I’m a beginner, never said otherwise, so what will be the answer ?

To update an extension you just import the new version and magically the extension will be updated


That sounds way to easy, I don’t believe it.

Thanks :smile:

Is it really asking too much to do a little research yourself for a change?

Sure, I can do research myself. Usually I’m trying to save more time, by just asking here… that’s what the community is about, right ?

Our time is also limited, as you might imagine. And our job is to help people who, despite research and trying, eventually get stuck. And not to help people who are not willing to do some research themselves.


See also here.

Yeah my time is also limited

Anyway, I found out why I was getting Problem parsing the package. It was not because of any extension, but because of Startapp Ads Components. I guess everyone is getting it due to it.

Hopefully @abhijith can check this and update Startapp SDK as soon as possible

Thanks for the info, will look into it.

Most welcome. I even tested by adding Startapp components in empty apk, and got the issue on Android 12

Is there any estimated time when this will be added for startapp ads components or either SDK updated