πŸš€ Introducing Niotron Apk Helper! πŸ“²

Hello Niotron Community! :wave:
I have created an Apk Installer specifically designed for installing applications built using Niotron Builder! :tada:

:fire: Features:

:white_check_mark: Easily install Niotron-built apks :inbox_tray:
:white_check_mark: Simple and user-friendly interface :art:
:white_check_mark: Lightweight and fast :zap:
:white_check_mark: Safe and secure :lock:

:hammer_and_wrench: How to Use:

:one: Download and install Niotron Apk Helper :arrow_down_small:
:two: Open app and Scan The Qr you get after building you Niotron Project :selfie:
:three: Click Install Apk and grant the necessary permissions :white_check_mark:
:four: Your app is installed successfully! :confetti_ball:

:calling: Minimum SDK Version (Device Requirements):

:small_blue_diamond: Minimum SDK Version : [Android 5.0]

:framed_picture: Screenshots:

:camera_flash: Here are some screenshots of the app in action::point_down:

:movie_camera: Demo Video:

:video_camera: Watch this video to see how the app works:

:question: FAQ:

:question: Why use this app?
:heavy_check_mark: It simplifies the process of installing Niotron-built apps and ensures smooth installation.

:question: Is it safe?
:heavy_check_mark: Yes, the app only installs APKs and does not modify system files.

:point_right: Download Now & Make App Installation Easier!

:link: Niotron Apk Helper.apk (8.7 MB)

This is my first contribution in Niotron Builder,
Let me know your feedback! :envelope_with_arrow::blush:


Nice approach :ok_hand:

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nice work :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Thank You For Your Appreciation :heart:


Looks good, Nice UI. :+1:

Please do no mention β€œfrom niotron” inside the app as its not affiliated with the Official Team. A disclaimer that it’s not affiliated with Niotron might be useful.


@abhijith Thank you for Appreciation :heart: And I Will Add A Disclaimer To The Post now.

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