In app billing purchase error

im trying to use in app billing on my app so trying to test it then when i click the button its shows cannot be cash by the blocks i use to add the product details such as text string and others, You can check the image below to understand what i mean.

Please i need a solution urgently.


and the error it shows is below


Blocks seems wrong. You might follow this video. It’s not the in-built component but way is nearly same.

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@wang_Jehoo_Studio Here you can see how to use niotron’s inbuilt in app billing component :

i tried using the tutorial on the video, but when i click the button, it shows nothing, i even publish the app and set the in app subscription, still when the button get clicked, it shows nothing.

@wang_Jehoo_Studio Share your blocks screenshot. I will check if there is any problem or anything else


@wang_Jehoo_Studio Is the Play Store listing your app? If so, only this will function; if not, make use of the test payment IDs.

How can do the test payment id. because when i use the way it was done on the tutorial, it shows nothing. no test

You can’t test the subscription product without uploading the app into console. At least you might upload it into internal testing.

@wang_Jehoo_Studio, see this, as I already said:

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Sorry for that, I’ve just try to explain it more.

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why sorry?
you are correct


My app is in closing testing tho, what about that?

Please show us your relevant blocks

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@wang_Jehoo_Studio you must be getting some error can you tell what error you are getting?

Its shows nothing, even error is not showing

I think the in app billing is not connecting because i use the error blocks to get some response to know whats the issue but nothing is showing

ok, I’ll check on this and till the if possible please share a screen recording of the process and the specific part’s blocks which are not executing

i test it on my android with android.test.purchased and when i click on get product details, it shows;failed resolution of: Lcom/google/common/collect/ImmutableList;

please i will send the aia to you to help me look at it
test (1).aia (167.9 KB)