If my admob have ad limit then

My admob ad has ad show limit If I delete my account and create another account on admob then Is my play console is suspended? please reply…

No you can make new but it can be suspended by start.io because you I think on start ads you need to Give playstore link on app in order to receive full revenue so in my opinion change your ads network and also one thing don’t use Hinglish language on community thanks

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Chat in english please some one cannot understand and do not help you

I converted his language in English If I do mistake any where then sorry…
My admob ad has ad show limit If I delete my account and create another account on admob then Is my play console is suspended? please reply…

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Please write in English.

I also convert this in English May I write correct

Wait what Original poster has changed start ads to admob :face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_monocle:

Why you sponsoring start.io .I don,t say anything about start ads.I hate this ad network.low quality.say about admob.

Nothing to change.you make mistakes.

Already @Faraz_Firoz convert my question.answer pls

Thank you for convert @Faraz_Firoz

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@Abhijit_Malik are you making me fool let me ask the niotron Staff about this i know you have edited your post then how can you say this !

This is what was edited,
I think you have misunderstood this time :sweat_smile:

what should i do new :expressionless:
