IDE Project Size: Restriction or Bug?

Hello, I have been working in the IDE and I’m not sure if this is a bug or intended behavior but the IDE has some sort of limit being imposed on the size of a project that is based on the number of lines ending with a “;”. I don’t have the exact number of lines where this limit is reached since that would require removing all the white space in my code, but it looks to be around 1,000 lines of code with no spaces where the limit is reached.

When the length of the file exceeds this limit, I get a 413 post error that is being sent from the server when attempting to save my project or compile my project. After a lot of trial and error I was able to narrow this issue down and determined that this error is based on the number of lines that end with the semi-colon.

I’m hoping that maybe an admin or moderator can tell me if this is a bug or if this is a limit imposed by Niotron? If this is an intentional limit, is this something that can have the size limit increased as a paid upgrade on my account?

Despite how basic this IDE is, I would much rather keep using the Niotron IDE than have to deal with setting up and moving to something like Rush in order to continue working on my extension.

Thank you for reporting this bug, This is not an intented limitation. Niotron IDE hasn’t been maintained in a while, we are planning on reworking the entire backend to optimize and add more features.

Niotron IDE is completely free to use, there are no premium plans for IDE, all the features in the IDE are free to use at the moment.