I’ve sent 480 BDT to Danny Bhai, but the plan has not been upgraded yet

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ami goto kal danny bai kea 480 tk pathai akta upgrade plan naua jonn . tk disi but amar plan upgrade hoi nai , danny bai rea ami porea call disi bai bollo ami niotron rea mail kortasi ,but akhon kono khobor nai . ami akhon ki kormu

I’ve sent 480 BDT to Danny Bhai yesterday for the subscription upgrade, but the plan hasn’t been updated yet. I called him, and he said he’d send an email to Niotron about it. But still, no news. What should I do now?

Translated by MOD

Please use English language…
Note: Niotron ব্যাতিত কাওকে টাকা দিয়ে প্রিমিয়াম না নেয়াই ভাল।

Hi @ASDF ,
Please use English in the community

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This is what he wrote in the Bengali language. :bangladesh:

Who’s this Dhanny bhai???

@ASDF can you send me your email id