Now a days facebook is creating lotz of issue. . Removing payout account, bad customer support… no response… , app remove, extended review for 2 or 3 months… so we need alternative option… applovin bidding with inmobi/unity/ etc
As 90% of Niotron user earn from ads, as 2024 bidding ads, so Niotron should seriously think about this, we pay to Niotron because we earn. Niotron should provide more bidding option. As applovin is safe to use they don’t easly block or remove user.
@MJ_BUNNY_T.V Good point will forward this to the team…
Yes, may be Niotron is focus on the 10 % user, and forget about the reality, why we shift to Niotron, just because of facebook SDK update (Ads), To earn from ads. are we earning? Are we happy, Best and safe way to earn from ads are, applovin and ADX (google ad manager).
Ad manager not easy, atleast provide us Applovin bidding with inmobi / mintegral / unity etc
@MJ_BUNNY_T.V it’s not like that, team is working and is thinking about everyone, there could be a delay but there will be something new