I don't know what i should do

My problem is, (the user should enter the username, password, and phone number which are saved in the spreadsheet) when the user enter just the first 1 or 2 or 3, etc from the username and Password, the program tells him that it’s right and eentersnter him to the next page. I want the user to enter all the Username and Password.

These are the blocks

When textbox OnTextChange event

if is in list=spreadsheet data
thing> textbox text
then show green else show red. But this is not the right practice! store username password etc. in tiny db and implement using that data. If you want to secure tiny db data use AES encryption from security component.

thank you very much @BharatTech
I tried but it still is not working
Here are the blocks

You are repeating function, if username is empty etc. in login button.
use if then else carefully,

dont use if below if separately, use if in the else step by step!