How to work Firebase Core instanceld

Which id paste on instancecld & storage bucket

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Which firebase component you want to use for your project ??

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You are a member on niotron :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:
How much Firebase components on niotron

(1) Firebase Authentication
(2) Firebase Database
(3) Firebase Core

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If you are using just firebase db then no need to register storage bucket , firebase instance id and application id :no_mouth:

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I Am using database & Auth my question is which id paste on instanceld

How to find this id

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You can use json file for the best result

screenshot - 2021-11-25T202044.099

Already Put Json file on assets but not working

Check your SHA1 Key, Because Niotron Has Changed SHA1 key of everyone

Are you testing on the Companion?

JSON File does not work in the companion.

Already update firebase database

Apk build but not working

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Could you show the app blocks

Please tell, where to get instance id?

Instance Id can be anything you wish to use. For example: Niotron

What is the issue, could you please elaborate

Don’t use json instead of json simple fill the properties