How to Use WabViewer view click to download Start

How to Use WabViewer view click to download Start

This option works on the website that after clicking on View Bill, the PDF is downloaded. doesn’t work in app

Downloading files from web-view is not possible yet. However, you can use the DownloadRequested block available in the web-view to get the download URL and then download the file from the download URL using the Downloader Component available in Niotron. Hope you have understood. If not, reply and I will share the block pics with you.

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Can you share the link of Pdf I will use that to make a download Function

Ok I shear website link

This is the website and after clicking on View Bill, there comes the option of PDF download which works in the website and does not work in the app.
Website Link​:arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_heading_down::arrow_heading_down::arrow_heading_down::arrow_heading_down::arrow_heading_down:

This is my consumer number, you can check once and tell me how it will be resolved and when you check it, then reply me that I will be able to delete it for security purpose.

Consumer number–

@Shivam74940 Try this App if file is downloaded Successfully then i will share the aia file

:open_file_folder: Download_Pdf.apk (4.6 MB) :gear:

Sir the download is successful but the file is not showing and when you open the pdf then this problem comes

Wait @Shivam74940 Let me do some changes and it will work :grin::grin:

Hello :wave::wave::wave::wave::wave::wave::wave::wave::wave::wave::wave::wave::wave:kya hua aap sahi kiye ya nahi

Wait I was a bit busy

@Shivam74940 try this app now

:gear:Download_Pdf.apk (4.6 MB)

Wait @Shivam74940 I do something different

@Shivam74940 try this now

:gear: Download_Pdf.apk (4.6 MB)