How to use mopub ads?

What I did wrong? Mopub Ads Not Showing.


Use mopub core component please.

we can not use mopub banner , native and interstitial ads in app?

You can use it but adding mopub core component is reqiured,else it won’t work, mopub core is the component for main sdk of mopub and it initializes mopub sdk.

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Yes mopub is working i test it. but i use test ads of mopub… It will not show any ads even test ads. untill we use core component.
and Native will not show. as itz for facebook bidding.

As my mopub acount get activate i will give more update.
But you all should know mopub give low cpm.
But as we want to show facebook ads. we can use it.

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Yeah it was tested by Niotron Too, and if test ads of Facebook are showing that means it’s working…

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Not facebook… i use mopub only. my mopub acount is not activate.

Okay,I had tested with Facebook bidding with mopub and it worked.

can you tell me how? please. my acount active . block please or any video link please.

please help me how tu set bidding mopub and facebook. my mopub acount is active.

This is all,just drag Facebook Ad Adapter Too…

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if we use facebook bidding only mopub ads component used

Yeah,only mopub component with facebook adapter

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If every thing is ok, then fb test ads and mopub test ads must show…so…test it correct it… if cunt understand ask here again… share and question will gain our knowledge and it will help…user.

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Facebook bidding with Mopub very easy to integrate.

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show us your integration help others fellow community members ?

my ironsource with facebook bidding … facebook test ads not showing.

Are you using companion or u build apk. Can you tell in detail how you did.
I thing you are using extension.

Build apk bro I just posted step by step guide you can check it

Itz working cool…i have place mopub and FB ads… test ads working cool… love to see facebook ads back…:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I just update my app that is in playstore…with iron source i saw live facebook ads…omg…m so happy.