How to use Ads Consent Form niotron Block

How to use Ads Consent Form
any block idea

@Dhaneswar_Ojha Set the properties and
used these blocks

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Load the consent form only on the main screen
Or should I load it on all screens where AdMob ads are displayed?

i dont understand where load consent form before load admob banner ad or same time load banner ad and censent form

  1. Should the AdMob consent form be asked only once per user?

    • Yes. The AdMob consent form should generally be asked only once per user, unless there is a reason to ask it again (e.g., if the user’s privacy settings change or the app needs to collect additional consent due to legal or compliance updates).
  2. When should the consent form be shown?

    • It is best to ask for consent at the start of the app [on Screen1]. This can be done on the first launch screen or during the initial setup process before ads are shown to the user. This ensures that consent is gathered before displaying any personalized ads or tracking data.

That said, the form can be presented at any logical point in the app, but it should be before the user interacts with any content that involves data collection or personalized advertising.

Thank for your valuable response

Can you show an example?
first load consent form then when to load banner ad

@Dhaneswar_Ojha Here an example:
On Screen Initialize check like this :

On Form Loaded :

On Submit or Close Save and load ads :

Load ads procedure :

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If consent is found then Ads will be shown
These ads will not be shown in other non-European countries

Is there any such block to show consent form only when required, if not required then show ads directly?

currently no, you need to make your own logic