How to send Whatsapp message template through app

Hello guys,
I want to ask something regarding whatsapp message template. Someone know about it. How to send Whatsapp message template through niotron apps. I have searched on Youtube. And got a video regarding whatsapp template convert in json. But I don’t know how to send Whatsapp template through json. Can anybody help me to make it. It is very helpful for alls. This will make your app advance level. Because when we want to share image and text on WhatsApp first of all we have to download a image in that mobile. after that we can send it. But We can share image,text & button without downloading through WhatsApp template. Please expert’s share your opinion and help me to make it.

Are you using Whatsaap Cloud API By Meta or any other 3rd patry API providers.

Use web components, mostly service provider accept POST request with Stringify JSON Data in body. You can use dicronary to compose JSON data (post_body) for more you can explore communuty. we have used same in other methods like Payment Gateways API.

If you need any further help, Share the json body that the provider accept with the API call (Whatsapp API) or the integration docs of the service.