How to send web push notification from Android app ?
Please elaborate what exactly you want, like you want to send notification to the users using your application using some agent like One Signal etc.
Yes exactly But I want to send notification to web user by My Android App
Actually this thing is confusing me
Will you please elaborate what exactly it mean
I have a WordPress blog linked to OneSignal.
So I want to send notifications to those who are subscribed to my WordPress blog through my admin app.
I don’t think so it’s possible as one signal works with Android system and it send notification to that particular Android and when you’ll use web i don’t think so that you can get that details which one signal requires
But yes if it’s possible then it can be done with following way
When you’ll get that details then you can store it in firebase and then in admin app you can create list of those tags by retrieving them, after that you can send that notification to those users,
I don’t know i am right or not