How to resize your profile avatar?

Hello everyone,
So, Today I am going to tell a trick, for those who don’t know.
After knowing the trick, you will be able to resize your profile icon.
Resizing your profile avatar, can you useful when developing extensions. How ?
Like this - iconName = "Your shortened profile avatar link".
Sounds interesting, right ? So lets watch a video -

Hope you all understood ! :blush:
Don’t forget to hit :heart: button :yum: !


Nice trick @Aquib_Khan :partying_face::+1::+1:

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Thank you @Faraz_Firoz !

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Awesome trick buddy :grinning:

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Thank you @Your_UI ! :blush:

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Nice life hacks :joy::joy::star_struck::star_struck:


Thank you @Bharat_Android_App !

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You guys can also use this AIX Icon Composer tool that I recently made.

Click here to give it a try. Also, this tool is open-source too. so If you are a geek and want to explore the tool then feel free to explore source code.


#off topic
@tanishraj is it possible to convert base 64 Image to a normal one (url)

In this tool, there is an option to download images as png and then simply upload that to any server and use the image path (URL)

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