How to make draggable button

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I’m trying to make a draggable button. When ButtonA dragged and positioned to to a placeholder for example ButtonB, then ButtonA can stay at the placeholder. If user place ButtonA correctly to ButtonB, then will be correct.
Is there any draggable function for button in Niotron?
I found polygon item but it’s for map only.

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@Qin_Studio If you want to achieve the draggable component then you can use these free extensions :
[FREE/OS] Repositioning Tools extension - Extensions - Kodular Community
[Free] DragAndDrop Extension - Extensions - Kodular Community

If you get any problem in the setup I will help you out but first try and if you get any problem you can reply to this discussion

Thank you @iaditya_nanda
I’ve tried the DragAndDropMath in Niotron but there are errors in the blocks.

Can you please guide me on this?

I have problem in putting these blocks in.

@Qin_Studio Please don’t import other builder aia in niotron as they are having different blocks. Please get the idea from their and make the same blocks here in niotron using it’s own blocks

Oh! I’m sorry for that. But I can’t find the DragAndDrop item in Niotron Designer, that’s why I imported it there. Didn’t know there is error occured. :sweat_smile:

@Qin_Studio see you need to use the extension that is you need to import the .aix file to use extensions blocks and other blocks are inbuilt blocks

Thank you for your help. Appreciate that.

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@Qin_Studio you are welcome. If you need any help regarding niotron then you can post it on community any time

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