How to launch app when time is 10 am?

Can you help me to create Nav bar.

Who would want an app to open automatically without user intervention.

That was for personal use, i have a remote app, i have to daily use and set somthing every day at 10 to 11.

For now m creating an app i cant get an good buttom nav bar.

my extension will display a notification at the given time, but will not start your app… why I did not implement this see also Q2 here App Inventor Extensions: Alarm Manager | Pura Vida Apps

Taken from here: Android 10 (API level 29) and higher place restrictions on when apps can start activities when the app is running in the background. These restrictions help minimize interruptions for the user and keep the user more in control of what’s shown on their screen. In nearly all cases, apps that are in the background should display time-sensitive notifications to provide urgent information to the user instead of directly starting an activity.
Also starting from Android 10 the app must have been granted the SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW permission by the user to be able to restart itself from the background. And in Android 11 this has been even restricted further.
