How to keep ad Ad id one signal id safe

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How to Avoid Hard Code ID
How to keep safe firebase , ad unit id, onesignal id

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In the first time, stock these IDs in an obfuscated text

Thanks for information, Are there any other safety tips?

You may use AES encryption to enhance the security of your credentials.

I checked it at Niotron, How was this AdUnit kept safe? Any block example admob banner ad unit

Using obfuscation in app is now became a threat! because Google’s bot erroneously thinks such apps hiding something within the app and suspends the app on Hidden Dormant content policy. Be careful using Obfuscation/Encryption.

O my god really…Can anyone tell me if this is right or wrong?

If you don’t believe me, go to google’s developer community forum there are many developers said they used obfuscation to keep safe their credentials which Google bots treated otherwise and suspended their app/account. I am one of them! Whatever I warn about is based on my personal experience and don’t want anybody unaware of such things.

Thanks for information, i check chat gpt also same information


Bad Aspects (Policy Violations):

Misleading Behavior – Google strictly prohibits obfuscating code to hide malware, ad fraud, or policy-violating content.

Ad ID Manipulation – If you obfuscate your AdMob Ad Unit ID or similar identifiers in a way that prevents Google from reviewing it, your app might get rejected.

Play Integrity & Review – If Google suspects the app is hiding something (like deceptive permissions or user tracking), they might reject or suspend it.

Best Practices for Obfuscation in Play Console (Nitron Builder)

Use ProGuard or R8 – These are officially supported by Google and safe for Play Console.

Avoid Over-Obfuscation – Don’t hide crucial elements like API keys, AdMob IDs, or Play Billing code in an unreadable way.

Follow Policy Guidelines – Ensure obfuscation isn’t used to bypass Play Store security scans.

So if you want to be alive on Google Play store never do such things because there are many companies are crying on community forum, their accounts got suspended even they did too much investments for their apps but securing anything in app can lead to app’s/account’s suspension. Google policy is very strict and once they suspend no body is there to listen, just bots they will reply to appeals. Make simple app, minimum extension or no extension if possible, no need to secure anything, use tinydb save things there openly. Never make any direct money related apps, don’t take payments in apps, so that no need to secure anything.

Thanks for information :pray: