How to back press on specific layout from other Screen

i have used 3 screen in my app. In the second screen i used 3 virtual screen but when i’m going to Screen3 from a specific virutal screen and than press back from the Screen3 it was enable to going back on specific virutal screen.

virutal Screen1 = Screen3

after back press in the Screen 3,
Screen3 = virtual Screen2 ( it was going something different virtual screen instead of virtual Screen1)

How to move Back press on a specific layouts from Screen3 to virtual Screen2 ?

thanks a lot…

@Devendra_Singh what have you tried till now ? if you have made something then i can help you to debug it

than help us how to back from screen3 to specific virutal screen(in Screen2)

ok wait i am making something

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thanks a lots in advance…

@Devendra_Singh are you online ?

yeah i’m still trying

Ok i have made that and i am sharing it in 2 minutes please wait

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@Devendra_Singh i am not 100% sure that what i made is the function you want but still you can check this and if this is that you are searching then i will share the aia also

how to see blocks of this apk file…?

Wait @Devendra_Singh i am sharing a video see that and tell me that is the function you want ok

here is the aia
Layout.aia (7.5 KB)

you tried well but sorry to say that its not solution of my problem… :frowning_face: because when i press back its direct skip the second screen.

the thing is i am not getting the point what you want if you want you can contact me on telegram and chat in hindi language

hmm, when i click on "go to " button more than 10 times than another screen open … and yes its working fine… but 10 times click on “go to” button.

and now when i pressed back press app behave like a loop… repeat and repeat…

oh sorry i have not made that label clickable so use it now download this latest app and also aia so then you can import that in niotron builder and then see the blocks

:file_folder:APK Layout.apk (4.6 MB)

:file_folder:AIA Layout.aia (7.5 KB)

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now it will not i have done the correction

Hey genius… how to exit from app now? i used home button instead of back button… :thinking:


You can use double back press method means to exit the app we have to press the

Use these blocks on the screen you want


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