How can I download files in Webviewer?

I have built an app to allow students download pdf files from a website, I have used Webviewer and Downloader, but some events are missing in Downloader component, so a download cannot be done.

Mr, Search before posting.

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I have read this post before, I have used the same blocks, however it did not work

You can use any other downloader extension if Default component isn’t working

Please suggest for me an other extension
Thank you

I think custom webview is the best webviewer extension. I didn’t try niotron default webviewer but this extension is just amazing. you can download it from here:

Unfortunably I think the creator is not in Niotron yet, but you can find the tutorial about the extension in K forum or ask here if you have questions

Thank you Pablo, I appreciate your help​:blush: