Help me to play m3u8 videos

I want to play m3u8 links/videos in my app. My app is 99% ready to publish. The problem is both the extenssion( EXO and Plyr Player ) are causing error to complie the project.
I am waiting for many days, but error not solved by niotron. meanwhile i created the project and i am one step away from publishing.
Anyone please suggest me any other extension for this.
Thanks in advance

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Try this extension

Thanks niotron. The bug is solved. Now I can use EXO player extension
:slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :smiling_face:

It does not help for audio-format. Has lot of bugs.
I dont want to move again back to kodular-platform because of one component. Please add exo-player for audio to Niotron.