[GUIDE] InAppUpdate without PlayStore

Hello everybody…
Today I will show you how to make Custom InAppUpdate and you can also use it if you don’t have uploaded your application to PlayStore…

So let’s start

1. Making New Application
Start by creating New Empty Activity

2. Make Simple Update UI and Welcome Screen

3. Make Admin Application

create admin app

4. Make Admin UI

5. Now add FireBase Database to you project and add these Blocks
These blocks adds the Version name and URL of your application to firebase and you can set the URL by uploading your application to Google Drive and get the url from there

6. Now add Firebase Database and Activity Starter to Main Application
Set Activity Starter Action to

7. Now make these blocks in main application

But don’t forget to change the version code after new update
Else it will show update again even if app has been updated

That’s all by this you can add in app update system in your application

InAppUpdate: InAppUpdate.aia (2.9 KB)
Admin: InAppUpdateAdmin.aia (1.8 KB)

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Thank You


Great guide :star_struck:

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Thank u @connor


This is a good tutorial, I just subscribe the channel and I wish you will keep posting Niotron related tutorials.

I asked question under the video in youtube, I need guidance about in-app update of an app on playstore

Thank you @Saifullahi_Mannir and also next part is ready will be uploaded soon

Actually I am no having google play console

Please try to contact iam_neodeveloper

Thank You

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But yes you can implement this logic for custom update