[Guide] How to secure Firebase Real Time Database from hacker!

Hello guys Avijit Das here, And today I am showing
how you can secure your :fire: Firebase Real Time Database from hackers.
So let’s start

Rule No 1 :

Basic rules - Everyone can read and write your full database.

  "rules": {
    ".read": "true",
    ".write": "true"

Rule No 2 :

Basic rules - No one will be able to read and write your database.

  "rules": {
    ".read": "false",
    ".write": "false"

Rule No 3 :

Basic rules - Any authenticated user can read and write your full database.

  "rules": {
    ".read": "auth.uid != null",
    ".write": "auth.uid != null"

Rule No 4 :

Strong rules - Only user and admin can read and write user/{user_id}/password_activity/ Tag.

Rules :

  "rules": {
    ".read": "false",
    ".write": "false",
      "user": {
    "$uid": {
              ".read": "$uid === auth.uid
                       || auth.token.email.endsWith(\"@admin.example.com\")",
               ".write": "$uid === auth.uid
                         || auth.token.email.endsWith(\"@admin.example.com\")",

Note : admin account email must be end with @admin.example.com
Example : [email protected]

Rule No 5 :

Strong rules - Any authenticated user can read user/{user_id}/password_activity/ but only user can write his password activity.

Rules :

  "rules": {
    ".read": "false",
    ".write": "false",
      "user": {
    "$uid": {
              ".read": "auth.uid != null",
               ".write": "$uid === auth.uid",

Rule No 6 :

For example user2 need to create a data in user/user1/friends/ tag.

Example :


Rules :

  "rules": {
    ".read": "false",
    ".write": "false",
      "user": {
    "$uid": {
      "friends" : {
        "$friend_uid": {
          ".read": "auth.uid != null",
          ".write": "$friend_uid === auth.uid",

Note : Any authenticated user can read user/user1/friends/ tag but only user2 can create his data in user/user1/friends/ tag.

Note : I know this guide really hard to understand. but listen good things never come easily.

If this help you then just press ❤️ button

Please Abhijit bro. Guide me how to secure MySQL database from hacker.

Does this mean that nobody (even the app itself) cannot write to the database?


Yes. :heart: :heart: :heart:


Sorry dear, I never used MySQL database. so i don’t have any idea.

I too don’t use it, but yes maybe you can add these kinds of access rules there too(if possible)

Anyways, Good work @anon61431939

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Thanks @Horizon.


Use multiple encryption, url uncoder, replacement and more. I am going to create a guide soon.


Good to hear that @I_Am_The_Bong :slightly_smiling_face:

need guide for firestore too

Ok, Within 5 days.

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Great guide sir

Thanks dear.

:man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: Dear.

There are many steps to increase the security of data within a database. Can’t explain it to you in a few lines You will have to read and research the subject.


You are right :white_check_mark:

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So How do we Do that only my App can read and write data ?
Should set it to true only or is there another way

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Please follow my guide.

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does Google sign in accounts count as authenticated or not?

Yes. User can be any method (github, facebook, twitter and etc) to authenticate.


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I meant does signing in using google authenticate the user automatically or I need to send authentication e-mail?

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