[GUIDE] ExtensionDevelopment

Extension Development

Hello everybody here. This is Horizon and today I will telling you how you can create extensions using Niotron IDE
Before starting let me tell you that you should have some knowledge of basic Java

So without wasting time lets start...

With Niotron IDE

1. Open Niotron IDE
First of all open your Niotron Builder and then navigate to Niotron IDE and then you will be navigated to this page

2. Create New Project

After this click on Create a new project and enter all the details as shown below and then click on Continue button

3. You will get this template

4. Understating Some set of lines
        version = 1,
        description = "Enter your description here",
        category = ComponentCategory.EXTENSION,
        nonVisible = true,
        iconName = "your icon url")

@SimpleObject(external = true)
@UsesLibraries(libraries = "")
@UsesPermissions(permissionNames = "")

Here DesignerComponent will declare all the things of Extension like version, description, category, always set nonVisible as true because making visible extension is not possible now

Set SimpleObject as true always

Uses Libraries declares the libraries you have used in building your extension I will tell it to you later how to add libraries

UsesPermissions declares the permissions permission that are needed for your extension

5. Now we will create a simple extension

Let’s see how to create a simple Function type block

@SimpleFunction(description = "This is the description of your block")
public String CreatsFullName(String firstName, String lastName){
String fullName = firstName + " " +lastName;
return fullName;

This is an example of block which returns the full name after the concatenation of the firstName and lastName
The block image will be like this

Now let’s see how to create an block who’s return type is void
Void type blocks does not returns anything they just do some task

@SimpleFunction(description = "This block is of void type"
public void VoidType(String message){
//do your work that you wanted to do with this block
// and this message will be the string that user will give back

This block image will be like this

Let’s see how we can create Event Block
This is the event block

@SimpleEvent(description = "This is the event block")
public void EventBlock(){
    EventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(this, "EventBlock");

To trigger this event from another function you can just call EventBlock().

This block image will be like this
Now to add a parameter to a event like you know how there is a value passing through event sometimes even you can make it in extension -

@SimpleEvent(description = "This is the event block")
public void EventBlock(String thisIsAParam) {
    EventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(this, "EventBlock", thisIsAParam);

here thisIsAParam is a variable and will pass through the event - EventBlock
to call this type of event just simple add parameter while calling it like - EventBlock("I am a Param")

Now let’s see how to create Property Blocks

@SimpleProperty(description = "This is a property block which does not returns anything")
public void PropertyBlock(String name){
    // This is property Block
@SimpleProperty(description = "This is a property block which returs something")
public String ReturnerBlock(){
    return name;

The block image will be like this


This is the DesignerProperty Block
    defaultValue = "2",
    editorType = PropertyTypeConstants.PROPERTY_TYPE_NON_NEGATIVE_FLOAT;

Thanks @Horizon for a great guide :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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You should also explain how to call it like a event like if your event name is EventBlock you have to call EventBlock() to trigger that event
and + you also need to explain that how to add parameters to a event like -

public void EventBlock(String thisIsAParam){
    EventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(this, "EventBlock", thisIsAParam);

and to call a param event just add a parameter while calling it -
EventBlock("Param String");


Thank you @connor
And Thank you @Aarush_Kumar tooo

I have made my post wiki so that you can make changes accordingly

Thank You

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Thanx @Aarush_Kumar for your contribution

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Also suggest us Is it possible to add maaven lib? If so pls someone post an idea of about it.

Thanks in advance