Google Sign In Error, Tried Everything

i want to add google signin in my app, but i m unable to do this i tried everything in community but still not working…

this is my test project…

here is my test project aia and google json file
test.aia (3.9 KB)

i was unable to upload json file so i changed the google file extension from json to txt only for uploading in community
google-services.txt (1.3 KB)

if anyone can fix my aia please help me

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Same issue, please fix it asap @abhijith

Mine working perfectly

@Shubham_Chaudhary if you filled the properties then uncheck this :

Check the use JSON file only when you want to use the JSON file from assets else if you have filled the properties then need to check this

@yashsrv @Shubham_Chaudhary Any error Messages shown?and make sure package name is also same as you entered on firebase

@iaditya_nanda error is “Google sign in failed”, i am able to choose my account but after choosing it, the sign in fails. also, the setup is correct. check on your side please

@yashsrv can you share your blocks setup


@yashsrv also share the after signin successfull block as you are saying problem is after sign in

@iaditya_nanda the problem is not in the block but in the component itself, the GoogleSignInSuccess is not getting triggered, it’s the error block giving the output → Google sing in failed

but here are my blocks

ignore the procedure block

Finally found the solution!!

The error is in our integration, so I used wrong client id of type 1, we have to use client id of type 3. Use json file to find it and it will work smoothly.

Use this as cliend id -

Mark this as solution too

ok @yashsrv that means component is fine.

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