Get Cell in Spreadsheet

I am using Spreadsheet Component in which i have many rows filled with details

Eg like this

So in my app if i searched something and if that is present in it then add “Yes” in the cell in front of them.


Pls help if Possible

Thank You

@Mayank what have you tried so far?
you can try this:
→ Get Column → if item present → get the index of the item → update the cell simple

Can u provide a visual representation :sweat_smile: .

I havent tried anything as i am not understanding how to start or what to do

@Mayank Try this:
→ This is a simple example only rest try on you own first…

Its coming Failed :smiling_face_with_tear:

pls help

thank you

Cause you must have done something wrong. is the API endpoint correct?

Currently the get column function is working but the update function is not working pls help

thank you

what error are you getting? like did you tried to do manual testing?

This is somewhat working but the problem is, it is updating the cell above the required cell

what changes should i make?

Spreadsheet1 UpdateData>>>rowNumber>>>global index+1


Thank You So Much

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