FTP not working after SDK 3 the same as Kodular

Describe the bug in detail…

3 days ago it was running smoothly on Kodular, then after updating SDK 33, uploading FTP files had problems, so I tried it on Niotron but it was the same. You can check it in your project

@Nur_Habibah can you share your blocks images?
or any demo aia where your are facing the error?

This is an example of the UI and blocks, 1 week ago it ran smoothly and was uploaded to hosting


is it showing any kind of error message ? check for that

there are no errors displayed in the code, when I click the button it will run the FTP.Connect and FTP .Upload File events it doesn’t show any processes
First I added a notifier progres dialog. and it will stop when the upload is complete, but now it only processes, not the Dissmiss