[Free] TopSheet Extension

Hi developers,

Am here to introduce you to my new extension, TopSheet, in easy way you can call this the reverse of bottom sheet :slight_smile:

The extension is completely free to use but decompiling of the extension is prohibited. You are free to share the extension with your friends so that it can help them too !

I would be amused to see how you have used this extension, you can tag me in your post to show your love towards my work.

This is the first version of this extension and many more updates are yet to come based on your suggestions, do help me in improving it by adding up your suggestions here

It currently offers 2 blocks blocks as shown in the image below :

Screenshot 2021-01-31 at 9.06.54 PM

For docs you are refer to our official website : TopSheet Extension - XyberNeo Documentation

Open Source ?

Yes but would take a bit of time, i work with a lot of mess by just commenting out codes instead of deleting them so ill be cleaning the codes and then ill drop the link to the GitHub repository here. If you need it urgently then you can connect with me via a dm in the community itself or via telegram at Telegram: Contact @Clawser

Further Attempts

My next target is to add animations to it, that could be a part of version 2, do let me know your favourite once, ill try my best to add them. Well, sadly there is no expected date for the lauch of version 2.

Last but not the least, thanks to Niotron for providing the platform

To download the extension please head to this link : https://www.xyberneo.com/Extension

Best Regards,
Aditya Chaturvedi


Interesting to use this extension! Btw, great extension :grinning:


Good but I don’t know how to use means what will be its output will it be like bottom sheet ?


Thanks for your time @Bharat_Android_App

Yes, will be like bottom sheet but would come from the top of display area. A sample image is attached below :


Update : You can now have a look at the java codes at GitHub

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great extension :heavy_heart_exclamation:

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Ok great ill be waiting for update 2 with animation :heart_eyes::heart_eyes: