[Free] mrVancetti Copy Paste Extension - mrVancetti Clipboard

Hello everyone! Today I am sharing my first plugin with you. I hope you like my plugin. Don’t forget to support me and let me know your comments!

Version 1: 04/05/2022
Version 2: 05/05/2022

With the mrVancetti Copy Paste Extension, you can copy and paste a text value found in the application to the Device Clipboard.


Returns whether the toast message should be suppressed. Default is false.

Specifies whether the toast message should be suppressed.


Copy the text to the clipboard of device. It copies the text found in the application to the clipboard of the device and allows it to be used both in the application and outside the application. Additionally, “Copied!” shows SuppressToast as.

Paste the copied value in the device clipboard. Pastes the last copied text value found in the device clipboard into the field specified in the application. If it is pasted into a Label, it automatically sets the text of the Label.


  • Label1 : “Target Text”
  • Label2 : “This is ‘Green Text’!”

Aix: MrVancettiCopyPaste.aix (10.0 KB)

Aia: MrVancettiClipboard.aia (19.2 KB)

(Thanks to @Taifun for his help!)

Don’t forget to leave your comments!

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Hello @bialikoc, Welcome to Niotron.


Hello @anon61431939, thank you. :blush::wave:

Welcome, nice to see you are creating extensions, great start, but here are some things you need to note.

Did you use @Taifun’s code? You should give credits. All of your blocks are the same as his.

Also, you should follow the naming conventions. Change the name to MrVancettiCopyPaste.




Like I said, I’m new. Thank you very much for your suggestions and warnings. I made the necessary updates as you said. There doesn’t seem to be any errors for now. I hope you will like it.


Congratulations, you were successfully able to copy/paste a copy/paste extension… :laughing:

Rather than only copying the extension, what about adding some functionality?



Hi @Taifun,
You’re right, I got help from your codes. This was my first attempt and after a lot of trouble I got it aixed. I am a student and I know about Java as much as I have learned from the sources. I hope you understand me, I will try to make new updates as you say. I would be very happy if you would like to help. Thank you for your understanding.


very helpful extension, please add somethin new that is not available from @Taifun clipboard extension.

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Hello, thank you very much. I have a few new functions in mind. I will try to do these in the new update.

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Thanks mrvancetti for nice extension.