[FREE] ColorSeekbar Extension


Use this extension to use Horizontal Color picker in your application

💡 Current Version 1.0
📁 File Size 1.85 MB
📦 io.horizon.colorseekbar
📅 Created On 2022-01-24

Method Blocks

InitializeView -
component input type component

Event Blocks

OnColorChange -
color output type number


This docs is generated from AIX Docs - Cttricks. Hit :heart: button if you liked this extension and feel free to comment below your reviews and suggestion.

Click here to download this extension.


Add some screenshots :wink:

Added a video of demo
Thank you

Useful extension :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

Thank you @I_Am_The_Bong

nice extension @Horizon but can you tell any usefulness of your extension?
or how to use this ?

Thank you @iaditya_nanda

It can be used if someone wants to make extension like doodling app or something else where user wants to pick the color

It is very easy to use and BTW you have shown a video where it is used :sweat_smile: