Failed to Initialize FirebaseAuth

failed to initialize Firebase Auth

Tested in the new update on Beta Server, and each time initializing FirebaseAuth fails ? Am I doing something wrong
Should I use google-service.json with AppID and ApiKey to initialize FirebaseAuth ?

Did you set your project id?

Just set project id, but still not initialized. Also prior this update, I did not need to set project ID. Only Storage Bucket, APPID, Apikey and database url was necessary to work

also tried with google-services.json, still same issue.

Can you use the FailedToInitialize Event of Both Firebase Core and Firebase Auth and post the error message. That would be more helpful

I’ve tried FailedToInitialize Event in Firebase Auth, it displays errorMessage "Firebase Core Component is not initialized. to confirm I use correct Apikey, AppID, StorageBucket, DatabaseUrl and Project ID.

ErrorOccured Event in Firebase Auth displays errorMessage “FirebaseAuth is not initialized”

FirebaseCore ErrorOccured does not trigger any errors.

Anyone else can confirm if Firebase Core is initializing in the Beta Server ?

Seems like the new FirebaseCore. ComponentInitialized Event is not working.