“Please try if you are facing the same”
I try in new project also, its not working, its not loading ads.
I try test ads and real ads also in test mode.

What i am getting is : no ad config.
Interstitial ad is working, but whats wrong with native ad.
As i am ussing it from long time i never add ad ID. I am facing the problem from today.
I add admob app Id still same.
Its because of update or what.

@MJ_BUNNY_T.V please don’t spam in community, the user will reply to you accordingly
Ok, Then tell me how ho solve this issue.
I use test ad, admob native test adunit id .
As in the screen shot, No " Sdk intlialized ".
My problem is still not solve, i dont know what to do any whom to tell. I need to update my app , dont know when my problem will be solve.
@MJ_BUNNY_T.V as I haven’t bought the monetization, can you do a simple thing please make a new project and add all the Admob components in it and share the aia file I will check them
I create new, and check and also old project that is live in playstore…no use.
Successfully working on my project.
did you test in companion ???
can you send me the aia ??
i did the same but no use, please send me the aia
May be some thing is wrong wit my niotron acount.
Who can solve my issue ??
So, after uploading in play store it work good just not showing in companion. As interstitial ads are showing and rewarded may be.
As it work fine. Just in companion not showing may be admob issue.