Facebook Login Problem

Hello Everyone , I Have A New Problem . :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:
Please Help Me :pray: :pray:
Webview facebook login Problem ,
Please Help Me Any One
Unable To Connect Facebook Problem
Please Solved That :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

Please post your blocks, and what problem or error you facing ?

Custom Webview Facebook Login Problem Niotron

Show your blocks.

And Aia File :-

Facebook_Login.aia (68.1 KB)

Is you trying to create account in your app with Facebook?

Yes (Login My Account) In Webview

Then why you loading facebook.com ?

Here is a guide

I make a browser app , or facebook login problem get ,

This Is not Ans For Me ,
I login Into Webview

You are facing this problem cuz pinterest requesting to open a new window with a url. But there is no way to detect this in CustomWebView.

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