Facebook ads show only in my phone

Hello everyone. my facebook ads show well only in my phone.
i have set up bidding with ironSource and my app is alive in playstore. bidding works because it show sometimes Ironsource ads and sometimes facebook ads. but the problem is facebook ads show only in my phone and for other people only ironsource ads show. i d’ont understand it.
i have disable TEST MODE in my audience network dashboard but i face same issue. only ads request but no impression. please help me i lost a lot of money this week.
See pictures below

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Maybe other people doesn’t have facebook app.

My app is alive in playstore and have 10.000 + downloads. 10.000 people and zero facebook? :laughing:. you can see in first picture the numbers of ads request 189389 in 14 days
I try it on many friends phone but it is the same problem. only my phone display ads. thanks you for your support

I have contacted Facebook teams. they reply me “Upon review of the app, further setup is required. Please review the checklist below for a list of items that will need to be completed.
More information on each step can be found by selecting “Online checklist” to the right of the item. Once the checklist is all green, the ads will begin to serve properly.”

I have checked and i found this issue. see picture below

Anyone can help me fix it.