Experimenting With Cloudinary

So this topic is quite interesting , you have to post the ways / possibilities to edit Cloudinary images , video etc. Cloudinary Cookbook helps you to edit.

Eg :-

1) Height , Width , Gravity of image



Here w_150 allows to to set width of image. eg w_300

sameway h_300 allows to set height of image. ex h_150

sameway g_south allows to set gravity of image. ex g_north

sameway c_fill allows to set canter filled image.

2) End offset, Gravity, Radius, Quality, Audio codec of video


end_offset (eo in URLs) - To specify the end of the video.

gravity (g_auto in URLs) - To keep the main subject (the face) in view at all times, even as it moves across the frame in the original video.

radius (r in URLs) - To make the video look like a headshot profile image.

quality (q_auto in URLs) - In order to perform automatic quality encoding.

audio_codec (ac in URLs) - To control the audio codec or remove the audio channel.

3) Video Profile View


end_offset (eo in URLs) - To specify the end of the video.

gravity (g_auto in URLs) - To keep the main subject (the face) in view at all times, even as it moves across the frame in the original video.

radius (r in URLs) - To make the video look like a headshot profile image.

quality (q_auto in URLs) - In order to perform automatic quality encoding.

audio_codec (ac in URLs) - To control the audio codec or remove the audio channel.

3) Rounded profile picture with initials


4) Generate your photo collage online
Type 1


Type 2


5) Convert image to grayscale



So this are some of the examples, challenge is to post all the formats as much as you can :grinning:

Note :- You can create your own formats too using Cloudinary Media Transformation


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