Error shows on app building when used MoPuB ADD components

Describe the bug in detail…

yes i used all mopub components and mopub core
Test_and_See.aia (289.5 KB)
i am uploading the aia file

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Where do you get this Bug on app or on creator or where??

Okay, wait please…checking.

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check aia and please update

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‘TestDeviceId’ Extension is collasping with niotron components, remove it to fix it. [Tested Solution]

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thank-you for helping

I have same Problem my apk also not building

Either you haven’t dragged mopub core component or a extension is collapsing with the component.

before adding ads components app build without any issue

I drag core components

Show all used components and extensions.

In my app 3 screen available in 3 screen I put ads so 3 screen I drag core components also & also facebook Adaptor drag 3 screen

Ok wait sure I will show you please wait

Check it

DM me the aia file or send here,i would check it and tell issue.

How to send dm no any dm option available

Okay, i sent you dm…send there…

Deephost Exo Player Is Collapsing

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