Cloudinary photo upload not working, it niotron builder problem or cloudinary problem i donot understand,
@mrhridoyvi Please share your blocks screenshot and error message which you are getting
Solved now, maybe its cloudinary problem.
But face ftp upload. Help me how to upload image ftp
share blocks images
@mrhridoyvi Make sure that you are initializing the SDK first.
Thanks, sir tell me ftp & Google drive components work properly?
@mrhridoyvi They work, but if their is any error, please report it, and if you face any issue, you can post anytime.
@mrhridoyvi It was down due to maintenance; check its back online now.
sir i try to use ftp in my project but failed, can you give me demo aia for ftp
@mrhridoyvi share the blocks and error screenshot
After update, companion not working, i download update companion apk from niotron Official link,
Main version and beta version same problem, not working
@mrhridoyvi please try clearing the data of companion app