Cardview dynamic in schema

What is the correct structure for Cardview niotron in json schema? Example:

  "components": [
      "id": "cv",
      "type": "Card",
      "properties": {
        "ContentPaddingBottom": 0,
        "ContentPaddingLeft": 0,
        "ContentPaddingRight": 0,
        "ContentPaddingTop": 0,
        "AlignHorizontal": 3,
        "AlignVertical": 2,
        "Width": 98,
        "Height": 100,
        "Radius": 5

@Droid_Lab Here is a sample schema

Thanks for the reply @iAditya-Nanda but this example does not have cardview, I would like to know the “type” of the cardview in the schema in niotron, I already put “card” “cardview” but it doesn’t work

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You mistyped the type name of the card element, its correct is

  "components": [
      "id": "cv",
      "type": "NiotronCardView",
      "properties": {
        "ContentPaddingBottom": 0,
        "ContentPaddingLeft": 0,
        "ContentPaddingRight": 0,
        "ContentPaddingTop": 0,
        "AlignHorizontal": 3,
        "AlignVertical": 2,
        "Width": 98,
        "Height": 100,
        "Radius": 5

@Droid_Lab Try this


@IPTF @iaditya_nanda Thanks for the help, I made the changes you indicated, but without success, this image error always appears, maybe it’s some incompatibility of the extension with Niotron ( recycler listview: appinventor-recycler-list/com.dreamers.recyclerlist.aix at main · zainulhassan815/appinventor-recycler-list · GitHub)

I used the same blocks that work correctly in App Inventor and Kodular


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@Droid_Lab What type of list you want to make please Share the image

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No., you are wrong. Check once again.

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The error is not caused by the schema, please share the blocks
Again you can check the element name using “Do it”

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@iaditya_nanda @Spicy_Topics @DeveloperDXH
I updated the extension and now the list appears. What I can’t now is to make it work is the list is updated with what is typed in the textbox, I tried these blocks to create search filters, but without success… Database: Google Spreadsheets… Sorry for bad english

GSheet_DB.aia (388.1 KB)


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