Can I add custom Chrome tab or chrome browser?

Hi all,

I’m to in this community so pls help me I want open a link in chrome browser or Custom chrome tab through a clickable image how can I do that? I don’t want to use webview.


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Where did you find these? I mean Where I can learn about Blocks Can you please refer my any guide book or YouTube tutorial?

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You can find this component in Experimental category

Take this for reference


Can’t find this pls help

You’ll find this block in Strings section, and you can enter your URL here

Follow the following steps:

Do these steps, then you’ll be able to launch you chrome tab

I followed your steps but still URL is not opening when clicking on image.

Use this block, I have tested and its working fine for me and change the URL in designer section

Send your aia file with the link which you want to open in the custom tab here @Horizon Or I will set your blocks.

Yes, that’s also a good idea, but I’ll recommend him to try on his own as it can increase his thinking ability along with fixing errors


It worked finally thank you so much for your help, Actually before this I was using Appgyver they are completely free but they way behind Niotron, So coming from Appgyver is this platform is complete change for me, If you guys can refer me where I can learn more about this plaform it would be great help.
Sorry for bad english.

Your most welcome dear

We have one Guides category where users has created many guides, and also you can check the following docs page