I have noticed in my App that the Text of the Buttons sometimes
disappears. This happens usually when I have clicked on the button.
It happens on the same screen and sometimes when I navigate to and
from another screen.
I have also experienced these issues with MIT AI2.
Does anyone know the cause of this?
I don’t have any other blocks in the app and the text is fixed on the properties page of the button.
I have created a short video to show what happens.
As you can see, when I click on the first button “Sarana Gosham”, the text disappears
after I return from the next page. I have also noticed that sometimes the text disappears first,
and then I transition to the next screen.
You didn’t ask my question.
What happens if you use do it in button.text block after the text disappear?
It shows empty string or it shows the default text?
If it is the first case you can make it work setting button text again when screen initialize. It won’t solve the bug but will make the app work fine.
One more thing: you are using too many screens without reason. instead of creating a new screen everytime you should use a vertical arrangement to each screen. Then, when you want to show / hide that screen you set that arrangement to visible true / false. It will make your app smaller and faster. use another screen only when it becomes really necessary.
I can try that option if there is no other way.
However, I am seeing a fundamental issue with Button Text values not showing up properly
across my other Apps as well. I believe that if we can get to the root cause, it will be much better.
Regarding the screens, thanks for your suggestion.
I am using a combination of some Screens and Arrangements (with Visible t/f) to
manage all the info that I want to show.
Thanks for trying it out.
However, as you can see from my video, the behavior is not consistent all the time
on the actual device. I am also seeing it across other Apps.
Here is another video of the same App.
In this, you can see that I press a button to go to the next screen.
However, when I return, the text on two buttons disappears.
I believe there is some fundamental issue with this Button Property
that needs to be resolved.
The problem is that nobody besides you got to reproduce this bug, so it is difficult for the staff to correct it. It is possibly related to your device or your android version only. By the way, it would be nice if you tell your android version and device model.
I have tested it on 2 different phones and I still see the same issue.
Phone 1: Samsung S21+, Android Version 12
Phone 2: Samsung Note 9, Android Version 10
This is really crazy. I tried in three different phones, 3 android versions, and no issues in any of them.
I believe you are getting this problem because you posted a video, but i can’t even imagine what is causing it or how anyone could solve it for good.