Builder Assests Size help me

Dear Friend,

I don’t understand a Builder Assests Size pack. If I buy 10 MB for ₹100.00 / month then how is it work?

(1) picture 3 MB + Audio 2 MB + Video 4 MB = 9 MB


(2) Audio 8 MB + Video 9 MB + picture 5 MB = 22 MB

Please help me.

This :point_up_2:

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Sir, this is so harmful for us. You mean that, I can’t able to upload more than 10 MB for 100 rupee pack…?

Yes, you can’t upload more than 10MB. But I think it’s enough for a professional app.

And also you can do this. :point_down:


It’s broke my heart. I expect that, for a premium niotron developer there have no limitation. please add an unlimited pack like, 600 rupee/ month for no any build limitations.

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What actually you need ?

600 rupee/ month for

1) Monetization enabled
2) 50 MB Assests size
3) 100 MB Apk or aab size

This means you can upload unlimited files in asset who’s size is not more than 10mb

In free version you can upload unlimited files who’s size is not more than 1mb

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These are the options I get (at least in Germany). But it should be the same worldwide.

What I’m not clear on is what the point of 250MB for build size (APK/AAB size) is. There should at least be a size of 150MB for AABs as this is the maximum allowed for AABs in the Play Store.
(For APKs it’s still 100MB.)

Note: The 250MB build size doesn’t seem to be relevant for apps on the Play Store.

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This is the ans. Sorry for my mistake :pensive:

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