Bug Report: Project Name

Describe the bug in detail…

  • On beta server, whenever I rename the project name, it doesn’t save.

@abhijith Kindly fix this bug in the upcoming update.

Project name, I’ve mentioned twice

Ok, so where is the problem?

it’s working from there, but not from here

Edit: Your method actually creates a copy of the project with the new name.

This issue is with both server.

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And it’s the same with Kodular. It never worked there either.
So if there is a simple solution to the supposed problem, then where is the problem actually?

This is not a solution but just a workaround, and I’ve reported this bug to help them make this builder better!

Project renaming should work from there and that too without creating a copy of it.

Now that you know, what’s the problem? There is none at all.
Incidentally, as far as I remember, no one else has raised this alleged problem except you, neither at Niotron nor at Kodular.

It use to work after lots of update it stop working.

I am experiencing same problem. I changed my App name, uploaded an icon, added Admob App ID. Saved everything and after few minutes, closes the builder. And voila, no changes we’re saved. I have to do it every time.

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Is this after you’ve worked on it for a while?