Dear niotron team i am making since 2020 on drag and drop builder and i Joined nioton from July- augest 2021 and i thankful you to make a such a good builder but now i facing some bugs in niotron i dont have much time for make a post on niotron thats why rearly active in comunity
Today i want to know why this admob error is occoured
I uploaded some video for that error i dont know why this error occoured
i tesed in my divice its works fine when i tested on my friends divice its works fine
but when i tesed on my brother divice this is error is showing
AdmobBug.apk (6.6 MB)
AdmobBug (1).aia (3.6 KB)
Video Recored From
Real device Scree recoding
Device Specs
Proof Of that This is a real divice