Bottom Navigation

I am migrating a simple application from Kodular to Niotron and have some doubts about Bottom Navigation.

I’ve learned many things by watching videos, but I’m still a beginner and facing a problem that I can’t solve.

In Kodular, I configured Bottom Navigation with the correct functions, but when doing the same in Niotron, they are not working when clicking the buttons.

  • The first button is set to refresh the WebView.
  • The second button is configured to minimize the app.
  • The third button is for sharing the app.

I’ll leave a screenshot below so someone can help me and guide me on what I need to do.

Show your blocks, that will help.

Thank you very much for your feedback. I tried to add an image but it didn’t work. Is it because I registered today? Is there any other way to show this to you?

Upload the images to your drive and past the link.

I sent the print to Google Drive and put it here in the post and it doesn’t accept links either, hahahah

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