After completed my wallpaper apps
i think it should be better if app change wallpaper automatically (for ex: next day) in background
so i start checkout in communities forum how should i do it ?
the most related post i found, It include app + AIA
but the problem is it work with firebase and i want to connect with airtable
So why cant you do it yourself right !!
well it use extension [Discontinued] Background Tasks [4.1] 🥳 - Extensions - Kodular Community
which is really hard for begginers like me i looked at the blocks for hours but can’t understand how it work and even worse the extension doesn’t support in companion
so its a humble request if anyone of you can help me
Thank you
You should be using the Itoo instead of this extension.
It is possible to do what you want (changing wallpapers in background) but difficult for the beginners. If you can pay me, i can help you to do what you want.