AsteroidDB Deployment

I need to find a Heroku-like free server that allows AsteroidDB to be deployed. Can someone help me with this, please? And how to do it.
I am working on a project and I would like to be able to obtain all tags from a tinyWebDB, an option that AsteroidDB promises. Please help.

Why don’t you use firebase real time database?

Because I live in Cuba. We are under United States embargo that do not allow us to have a normal life like everybody in this world. They are not allowing cubans to have a regular commercial relations to other countries nither have access to regular internet services including cloudDB and Firebase… that is why.

@Aramis_Garcia Then you can try these :

  1. Render

  2. Railway

  3. Cyclic

  4. Deta Space

These platforms offer some free tiers with limits and you can use these

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Thank you!!
I will try it tonight
Hope those sites are not bocked :pray:t3::pray:t3:

My first attempt with Render ended on a bunch of errors as you can see.
I selected to deploy it as a web app, give access to my Github repository.

For the sure I´m doing something wrong.


Check the logs what is the error recorded by the logs