My Self Aditya
In this guide i am going to share the block setup for applovin ads
and this is in 2 parts:- Part 1 : Blocks without bidding Part 2 : Blocks with Bidding
Note:- There is some twist in loading max banner ad
So we will take a horizontal arrangement and we will ad the banner ad component in that horizontal arrangement and set the height of Horizontal Arrangement to 8 % and width to 90% or you can set automatic and fill parent I have set height to 8% and width to 90%
Hello, can you be clear on this that if I use the Applovin with Facebook as a bidding method do you mean that I don’t need to set the Facebook blocks neither facebook adUnit don’t needed in Blocks.
Please I am new to this type of integration that is why I need your help and tell me if I don’t set any blocks for Facebook how then my Facebook get revenue from LoadMaxAd Banner and Interstitial only
I will appropriate your response and also I noted that you added a Horizontal arrangement but you didn’t show how in the block works.
please can you show them more and if you have time can you you share the simple aia
Thanks in advance for as I am waiting your response.